Monthly IPSC-Style Practical Pistol Matches (Canceled)
The following photos are from the October 13, 2012 Practical Pistol Match. Matches typically consist of 4 to 6 different stages of fire featuring both paper IPSC targets, steel plates, and other steel reactive targets. The courses of fire are always different and may include standing in a single shooting box and engaging multiple targets or moving from one position to another through the courses of fire.
These IPSC-sytle shoots are non-sanctioned and designed to provide an opportunity for practical handgun skills - something different than standing in one position and shooting at a stationary paper target at the same distance every time.
Safety comes first at ALL CMYI events, and we require that all participants be familiar with their firearms
operation and are able to perform in a safe manner.
These IPSC-sytle shoots are non-sanctioned and designed to provide an opportunity for practical handgun skills - something different than standing in one position and shooting at a stationary paper target at the same distance every time.
Safety comes first at ALL CMYI events, and we require that all participants be familiar with their firearms
operation and are able to perform in a safe manner.
Women’s-only NRA Basic Pistol Class June 2012
Six female students successfully completed classroom instruction and live-fire range exercises under the guidance of 4 NRA Certified Instructors / Coaches - including a female lead instructor.
The goal of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for owning and using a pistol safety.
Students learn about safe gun handling, storage, mechanics, ammunition, the fundamentals of shooting and shooting positions, pistol cleaning and selection. Range rules and commands are taught and practiced during live-fire exercises. Opportunities for activities, competitions, and additional training are discussed.
Many thanks to Culpeper County Sheriff' Scott Jenkins for coming to share information from a law enforcement officer’s perspective and conduct a very informative Q & A session!
The goal of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for owning and using a pistol safety.
Students learn about safe gun handling, storage, mechanics, ammunition, the fundamentals of shooting and shooting positions, pistol cleaning and selection. Range rules and commands are taught and practiced during live-fire exercises. Opportunities for activities, competitions, and additional training are discussed.
Many thanks to Culpeper County Sheriff' Scott Jenkins for coming to share information from a law enforcement officer’s perspective and conduct a very informative Q & A session!
Deer Processing Class
November 13, 2011
Many thanks to Ricky Dugan for volunteering his time on Sunday, November 13 to provide a hands-on class in deer processing (butchering).
Eighteen participants watched, listened, and asked questions of Ricky and several other Cedar Mountain members during the 3-hour class. Three deer were available and everyone had the opportunity to try their hand at skinning, quartering, trimming, and preparing fresh game meat for freezer storage. Class concluded with a sampling of freshly-grilled meat and hot biscuits.
The class is offered once a year - usually the second Sunday of Muzzleloader season.
Eighteen participants watched, listened, and asked questions of Ricky and several other Cedar Mountain members during the 3-hour class. Three deer were available and everyone had the opportunity to try their hand at skinning, quartering, trimming, and preparing fresh game meat for freezer storage. Class concluded with a sampling of freshly-grilled meat and hot biscuits.
The class is offered once a year - usually the second Sunday of Muzzleloader season.
Cedar Mountain 4-H Shooting Sports Club Excels
in Recent Competitions
Cedar Mountain Youths, Inc. hosted the Virginia 4-H Shooting Sports Club’s District Match on August 20, 2011. Almost 100 participants attended representing clubs from counties as far north as Fairfax and south to Bedford.
Competitors were divided by age into Junior and Senior Divisions and demonstrated their skills in sixteen (16) competitive events including .22 caliber rifle, precision air rifle, air pistol, shotgun, muzzleloader, archery and BB gun. Medals were awarded to the top three scores in each Individual Event for Juniors and Seniors. Individual overall awards were given to the top three Seniors and top three Juniors by calculating the aggregate percentage of scores for their best three events. Awards were also presented for the top 3 scoring teams in each Team Event for Juniors and Seniors, and a traveling trophy was awarded to the high overall Team.
Competitors were divided by age into Junior and Senior Divisions and demonstrated their skills in sixteen (16) competitive events including .22 caliber rifle, precision air rifle, air pistol, shotgun, muzzleloader, archery and BB gun. Medals were awarded to the top three scores in each Individual Event for Juniors and Seniors. Individual overall awards were given to the top three Seniors and top three Juniors by calculating the aggregate percentage of scores for their best three events. Awards were also presented for the top 3 scoring teams in each Team Event for Juniors and Seniors, and a traveling trophy was awarded to the high overall Team.
The Cedar Mountain 4-H Shooting Sports Club yielded the following Team results:
Small-bore Rifle – 1st Place Senior Division
Muzzleloader, Traditional Iron Sights – 1st Place Senior Division
Archery, Compound – 3rd Place Senior Division
Additionally, Cedar Mountain team members earned individual medals in the following events:
Thomas Armel , Air Rifle - Third Place (Bronze Medal) Junior Division
Emily Bricker, Muzzloader, Traditional Iron-Sights - Third Place (Bronze Medal) Senior Division
Thomas Armel, Shotgun, Skeet - First Place (Gold Medal) Junior Division
Thomas Armel, Small-bore Rifle - Second Place (Silver Medal) Junior Division
Hayley Waleska, Small-bore Rifle - First Place (Gold Medal) Senior Division
Small-bore Rifle – 1st Place Senior Division
Muzzleloader, Traditional Iron Sights – 1st Place Senior Division
Archery, Compound – 3rd Place Senior Division
Additionally, Cedar Mountain team members earned individual medals in the following events:
Thomas Armel , Air Rifle - Third Place (Bronze Medal) Junior Division
Emily Bricker, Muzzloader, Traditional Iron-Sights - Third Place (Bronze Medal) Senior Division
Thomas Armel, Shotgun, Skeet - First Place (Gold Medal) Junior Division
Thomas Armel, Small-bore Rifle - Second Place (Silver Medal) Junior Division
Hayley Waleska, Small-bore Rifle - First Place (Gold Medal) Senior Division
Team members Bricker, Jarvis, Waleska, and Jacob Poorbaugh qualified for the 4-H State Match held September 10 and 11, 2011 at the Holiday Lake 4-H Educational Center in Appomattox, VA. The team performed well, earning 3rd place in State for traditional muzzleloader.
The 4-H Shooting Education program uses shooting as a vehicle to help young people ages 9 to 19 develop life skills such as discipline, responsibility, and leadership. Youth receive training in archery, muzzleloading, pistol, rifle, and shotgun disciplines, learn firearm safety and basic marksmanship fundamentals.
For more information on 4-H Shooting Programs visit the Virginia State 4-H web site at or contact us at
The 4-H Shooting Education program uses shooting as a vehicle to help young people ages 9 to 19 develop life skills such as discipline, responsibility, and leadership. Youth receive training in archery, muzzleloading, pistol, rifle, and shotgun disciplines, learn firearm safety and basic marksmanship fundamentals.
For more information on 4-H Shooting Programs visit the Virginia State 4-H web site at or contact us at
Virginia Hunter Education Youth Challenge
April 29 - May 1, 2011
A team of 6 youth from the Cedar Mountain 4-H Shooting Sports Club attended the Annual Virginia Hunter Education Youth Challenge on April 29 through May 1, 2011. The event is sponsored by the Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries, officiated by volunteer Hunter Education instructors, and held at Holiday Lake 4-H Education Center in Appomattox, Va.
Participants from across the Commonwealth compete in 3D archery, sporting clays, small-bore rifle, an outdoor skills trail (incorporating map and compass skills and ethics), and a written test on wildlife identification. Awards were presented for high overall individual and overall team scores in both Junior and Senior Divisions.
Participants from across the Commonwealth compete in 3D archery, sporting clays, small-bore rifle, an outdoor skills trail (incorporating map and compass skills and ethics), and a written test on wildlife identification. Awards were presented for high overall individual and overall team scores in both Junior and Senior Divisions.
In order to qualify, participants must complete the 10-hour VDGIF Hunter Education Class. Additionally, they practice weekly with their “home team” and coaches to sharpen their shooting and outdoor skills. Coaches evaluate their mastery of safety, responsibility, and proficiency with each shooting discipline and determine their readiness to compete.
The team - Hayley Waleska, Aaron Jarvis, Emily Bricker, Thomas Armel, Doug Grover, Jr., and Sam Waleska - achieved personal best scores in many areas, and 14-year old Hayley Waleska took first place in Junior Division small-bore rifle with a score only 8 points off the top Senior score. All the members were complimented on their skills, manners, and attention to safety.
Sporting Clays Fundraiser A Success !
The 2011 CMYI Sporting Clays Fundraiser Event on Saturday, May 14 was a rousing success. After a week-long weather forecast of rain and thunderstorms the skies were clear! Shooters started arriving around 9:30 am and shooting was continuous until 2:00 pm. All of the attendees were very pleased with the course and many of them elected to shoot more than one round.
We want to thank all of the companies and individuals who attended the event. We also want to thank those who chose to be station sponsors and/or provided donations to the Cedar Mountain Youths organization. Your generosity will help immensely in providing safety training, shooting, and outdoor experience opportunities to the young people that we work with. Thank you!
We also owe a huge Thank You to the Southland Concrete Corporation for being the Primary Event Sponsor. Without Southland’s participation and willingness to make other companies aware of the event and the mission of Cedar Mountain Youths, Inc., the event would not have been nearly as successful.
Hunter Education Classes
Archery and Rifle Instruction:
Tree Stand Safety:
Muzzleloader Basics and Demonstration:
Survival Skills Trail:
Hunter Safety Trail:
Conservation Police Officer Visit:
Shotgun Practice and Instruction:
Gun Care and Cleaning:
A Few of Our Dedicated Volunteers:
4-H Shooting Sports Club
Rifle Practice
Our Facilities
Skeet Range and Shooting
Web site maintained by Cedar Mountain Youths, Inc. To contact the site administrator click here.