Cedar Mountain Youths, Inc. is affiliated with the following organizations and agencies:
(Click on any of the images below to go to the web site)
(Click on any of the images below to go to the web site)

Help us and help yourself! By joining the NRA or renewing your membership through this link, you save $10.00 on a regular 1-year membership and help the club at the same time.
It’s a Win – Win deal!
Click on the logo and join today.
It’s a Win – Win deal!
Click on the logo and join today.

Youth participating in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Program learn marksmanship, the safe and responsible use of firearms, the principles of hunting and archery, and much more. The activities of the program and the support of caring adult leaders provide young people with opportunities to develop life skills, self-worth, and conservation ethics

By affiliating with the CMP, both individuals and clubs benefit in a variety
of ways that assist young shooters and their coaches in reaching the goal of taking their marksmanship skills to a higher level.
of ways that assist young shooters and their coaches in reaching the goal of taking their marksmanship skills to a higher level.

4-H is a community of 6 million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H members participate in fun, hands-on learning activities with focuses on science, engineering and technology, healthy living, and citizenship. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults, in a hands-on environment.

Follow this link to access the Online Hunter Education Course and a variety of other great safety and hunting information.
We are pleased to provide links to these sites for educational information and organizations of interest:

The Wildlife Foundation of Virginia’s mission is to assist in the conservation, protection, and enhancement of the wildlife and habitat resources throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. WFV is a non-profit, 501(c)3, founded in 1997 by a concerned group of sportsmen who recognized that, in order to conserve our hunting and fishing heritage in Virginia, the growing problem of diminishing public lands must be addressed.
As a way to instill in future generations a respect and love for our wildlife resources, WFV periodically hosts youth hunts and hunting workshops.
WFV is also partnered with VDGIF to support the Department’s recently formed K9 Team.
Visit this site to find out about their land acquisition projects, workshops, or to make a tax-deductible donation.
As a way to instill in future generations a respect and love for our wildlife resources, WFV periodically hosts youth hunts and hunting workshops.
WFV is also partnered with VDGIF to support the Department’s recently formed K9 Team.
Visit this site to find out about their land acquisition projects, workshops, or to make a tax-deductible donation.

Pictured above - SRO Officers
Culpeper County Sheriff's Office
Firearms Safety Tips - A Guide For Basic Firearms Safety
This site was recommended by Jake Stevens a member of the Cedar Mountain Shooting Sports Club
Hunting Safety Informational website:
This site was recommended by Jake Stevens a member of the Cedar Mountain Shooting Sports Club
Hunting Safety Informational website:
Web site maintained by Cedar Mountain Youths, Inc. To contact the site administrator click here.